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Tag: APP


EDI APP is the data exchange “engine” from/to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Designed specifically for document exchange (ex. electronic invoices or order/shipping via EDIFACT) EDI offers an integrated environment: Automate exchange via job queue Verify communications through detailed log page Authenticate customers, vendors and…

APP Italy

Italy is the APP that allows you to manage all Italian tax regulations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. APP Italy is part of Horsa Foundation Stack APPs. Using this app you can: Manage and create electonic invoice Automatically generate self billing Read and manage…

APP Essentials

Essentials extends the most important functionality of Business Central ERP. Essentials is part of Horsa Foundation Stack APPs. With this APP the user has many functions that support ordinary operation on ERP. Finance Bank Account Reconciliations Combine Shipments Settlement Reopen Change Payments Lines on Posted…

APP Network

Network provides common functions to Horsa Foundation Stack APPs. Network is the “lowest level” APP in the Horsa Foundation Stack Suite, that provides common functions to dependent APPs and guarantee compatibility between SaaS and OnPrem environments. RPC Functions Network provides low level functions, that are…