APP NoCarta
APP NoCarta is the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central interface with document management Abletech Arxivar and Arxivar Next
Designed specifically on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to catalog and archive the main documents produced and registered in Business Central 365, also managing its security, process flow (workflow), distribution.
This APP can be used for versions of Business Central 365 SaaS and also OnPremise and interfaces with ARXIvar Next while remaining compatible with previous versions of ARXIvar (API, WCF).
Simple setup for connection:
Setup for Document Definition:
Documents can be sent to ARXivar in the following ways:
- From a subscribed event (for example during registration or other actions, even customized)
- From Custom Action on Document Pages
- From Scheduled Report to Process Queue
- From field Page / Factbox “NoCarta Document Information”
- From the “NoCarta Register ” page
In cases 2, 3, 4, 5 it is possible to re-send the document with relative updating of the metadata.
Example of re-sending via the NoCarta Register:
License Required
Some functions require a valid Horsa License (subscription – contact Horsa – not for free). The license is downloaded through APP Network.
Supported Editions
This app supports both the Essentials and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Supported Countries
This app is supported in all countries, where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.
Supported Languages
The app is available in English and Italian.